Peak Shaving
Analysis of peak shaving looks at a company’s power usage to assess the impact of the “quota potenza” (peak demand charge) component on energy spending. The analysis involves quantification of energy spending due to specific consumption peaks and proposal of a series of measures to level-out peaks, thus reducing associated costs.

Load Shifting
This analysis looks at the company’s production cycle to identify possible variations in hourly consumption trends. A study is carried out to check for possible benefits offered by shifting loads associated with production to times when the cost of energy is lower. This analysis also contributes to reducing the impact of the charge for Terna’s Capacity Market project on end users.

Storage audit
The storage audit consists of a technical-economic analysis for the implementation of an accumulation system within an industrial plant, in which the benefits will be investigated by exploiting an analysis of multiple possible economic advantages (peak shaving, participation in network, etc.).
An energy storage or accumulation system is a set of devices, equipment and management logics, the function of which is to absorb and release electrical energy.
Energy storage can operate alongside with the network and lead to an alteration of the exchange profiles with the electricity network (input and / or withdrawal) with the aim of generating a profit for the company.

Flexibility Audit
This study gradually analyses the facility from an electrical perspective through characterisation of electrical loads, any local generation systems and back-up power, in order to assess potential electrical flexibility. Flexibility may be generated by increasing production or by reducing consumption from the grid, modulating power usage. The analysis is aimed at identifying flexible loads, for use in the context of Terna projects such as the Electrical Interruptibility service, UVAM (mixed enabled virtual units) or the capacity market, as well as for gas interruptibility services, the new mechanism introduced by Snam.