A 25-yearslong story

A 25-years
long story


  • Energy Team is created from the intuition of the founding members who have always strongly believed in the added value of energy monitoring for systemic and sustainable energy management
  • The Energy Sentinel software application is launched


  • Energy Team is one of the players chosen by the major traders of the electricity market and by the major industrial consortia, following opening up of the free energy market
  • Collaboration begins with the main electricity consortia connected to industrial unions
  • The X-Meter measuring device is launched on the market


  • Energy Team installs the first applications for load disconnection in the interruptibility electricity grid sector in collaboration with Terna
  • The RTU-UPDC system is launched along with the Datascope platform develops
  • Energy Team develops a software platform for the performance analysis of photovoltaic systems and the display of energy data
  • Energy Team revenues exceed € 5 million with 40 employees


  • Energy Team acquires ISO 50001:2011 certification
  • The Energy Sentinel software application is launched on the market
  • Energy Team enters the energy efficiency sector
  • NG-9, the smallest 9-channel energy meter in the world, is presented on the market at Hannover Messe
  • Energy Team begins to operate on the international market


  • Energy Team becomes a UNI CEI 11352 certified ESCo
  • The HPS platform, the integrated energy consumption monitoring solution on the Web Server platform, is presented at the Hannover Messe
  • Energy Team revenues exceed € 9 million with more than 70 employees


  • Energy Team becomes part of Nadara (formerly Renantis), which acquired 51% of the company shares
  • Energy Team enables Dispatching Users to participate to electrical flexibility market
  • The CloE platform is launched, Energy Team has brought together Energy Sentinel (the historical solution, in the field) and Cloud of Efficiency (a new Cloud-based software)
  • Energy Team revenues exceed € 14 million with more than 90 employees
  • Energy Team celebrates 25 years of activity